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Wet or Dry Dog Foods? All you need to know!

get the best dog food for nutrition

One of the most common concerns faced by dog owners is, what makes the best dog food for nutrition, wet foods, or dry foods?

With the ongoing debate lasting for years, there is much conflicting information on this. While the requirements of your pub differ based on its size, age, and other characteristics, the answer to this question can be challenging to find. Further, finding premium dog food in Canada can also be a tedious task. 

What Kibble Companies Won't Tell You...

What Kibble Companies Won't Tell You...
A large part of health and wellness for pups is the food we choose to feed our dogs. However statistic found that over 70 percent of dog owners do not know what is in their dogs food. The pet food industry in Canada is unregulated and many kibble brands, including premium kibble in toronto and canada contain harmful additives and preservatives that are shortening your pup's lifespan.