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Home / News / The Puppy Gang Pawdcast: E11: What CBD Is, The Benefits of CBD For Your Dog and How to Incorporate CBD Into Your Dogs Diet
The Puppy Gang Pawdcast: E11: What CBD Is, The Benefits of CBD For Your Dog and How to Incorporate CBD Into Your Dogs Diet

The Puppy Gang Pawdcast: E11: What CBD Is, The Benefits of CBD For Your Dog and How to Incorporate CBD Into Your Dogs Diet

Join co-founder of Puppy Gang Fresh Foods, Marisa Hoskins as she chats with Lisa Faussy, founder of Lu & Di's CBD treats as she shares how Lu & Di's was started, what CBD is and the benefits of CBD for your pup, and how and why you should start incorporating CBD into your pups diet!

Interested in trying CBD for your pup? Try our CBD treats today using code CBD10 at checkout!




Hi everyone, welcome back to our podcast today. We have a really special guest. It's Lisa fosie of lu and d's cbd treats that thank you for joining us Lisa.


Thank you for having me today Marisa, I really appreciate it.


Awesome! Well, we're glad to have you here and um, you know we've been getting a lot of questions about Cbd and the benefits for dogs and why should people be um, you know feeding their dogs Cbd so we're really excited to have you here to kind of provide that information. Ah, to our listeners and you know would to start off would just really love to hear your background of how you started your company.


Awesome! Absolutely um so I actually started my company not with the intentions of becoming a company. It started ah just as like a little bit of a hobby passion. Um, because I have 2 dogs Luna & Diesel. So that's where the lu& Di comes from.


Um, they're little names on my end. Um for them. Um, they're both rescue dogs and so what I was finding was that and and diesel was a covid type of a rescue. Um scenario. Um, but Luna was the the main inspiration um, initially for it because. We were going through a lot of trials and tribulations with her with regards to some injuries so she's had both of her knees worked on um her tplos she's had surgery on both of them and then she's actually had a history of allergies from like six months and so.


She was my big inspiration because she's gone through a lot of trials and tribulations in such a short period of time and then you know as more testings run between the allergies and her injuries We start to you know the vets and I were chatting and they're like okay well she's got you know, early onset hip dysplasia like the signs of.


Oh my gosh.


She's gonna be arthritic right for the rest of her life after her knee situation and things of that sort so well loving our our pets and again my my dogs are my my Fort Fur Children my fur babies right now. Um I wanted to see and look into more natural and holistic ways to kind of.


Manage her pain and ensure that you know there's longevity to her life and and her quality of life was there. Um, and so it took me down that bit of a wormhole because you know vets have their own um prescriptions and things that they'll recommend on their end. But. Not always the greatest in terms of long-term usage right on on our animals on our pets. Um, and so I started to kind of explore with the idea of cbd with with Luna and then shortly thereafter getting diesel. Um, he started to develop the separation anxiety piece because. Once covid was done and getting back to the reality of not being home twenty four seven um he was that dog and I'm sure we've all nowhere have heard of a dog but he was that dog that went through a lot of crates. He did a lot of breaking out of the crates and then his separation and just that anxiousness would like. Cause him to like pee everywhere in the house destroy things. Um and and so you know it put him at a risk depending on what he was chewing on or getting into after he broke out of the crate and all that fun stuff. Um, so again I didn't want to sedate him or medicate him.


Necessarily from the vet especially with you know, going to work like that Monday to Friday Friday type of a workday. Um, so it took me into the the world of Cbd and and what it could do for 4 dogs in terms of assisting them in a wide variety of ways. Um. So that was kind of like the basis of it and then from there it was just kind of okay trying trial and error with with companies that are out there in Ontario or that we have access to that have cbd treats and and I guess we the the things that I found there was that with Luna's allergies um


The the food based allergies. There wasn't a huge selection of Cbd treats that she could have and then the ones that she could have it just wasn't working the way that I thought it should work or that I was told that it it would work based on what we've we've heard and based on what?


Companies would would share with us. Um, and and so I just found what I started to research was that the dosing seemed to be a little bit off so the treats kind of gave an approximate or an average dosing but the unfortunate piece to it was that one time it would work another time it wouldn't work and and again. Maybe 1 treat had a lower dosing and the other treat had like the right dosing or things like that so that consistency that I needed especially for her pain management and then for for diesel with the separation anxiety. It just wasn't consistent from from that standpoint.


So That's so interesting. Can we can you maybe explain to everyone. Um, so in your research when you were trying to treat all of these conditions that were coming up with your dogs and you mentioned that you had gone to vets and they had um. Unorganic prescription based products that you know obviously you know are probably harmful to dogs long term. So What were the things that you learned in your research about what what exactly Cbd is and what are the main benefits of using it for for dogs. What are the. The big things that Cbd is able to treat more effectively than other maybe prescription medications on the market.


Ah, yeah, So I like I said a lot of extensive and detailed research on my end because I didn't want to um, give my dog something that I I had no idea about right or create a product for that matter down the road that I I wasn't informed about um. And so Cbd itself is a cannabinoid which a cannabinoid compound. Um and it comes from the Cannabis plant. Um, so this specific type of cannabinoid basically it's got amazing health effects for both humans and animals. Lots of studies and research have been done from the human standpoint and then for whatever reason even though Canada's legalized you know cannabis.


There's less studies done here in Canada about dogs and and the great effects that it has on dogs. However, the the United States um the U K australia they've done a lot of studies and rolled out a lot of information about the positive effects that it has on dogs. Um. And and so a lot of their studies like Cornell has some articles out that have like ah great great statistics and details that they've done with dogs and again the the use of um cbd with anxiety car anxiety separation anxiety with tremendous um results and and great outcomes.


Um, all in all like the the idea of cbd with dogs is that first and foremost will help with pain management. Um a wide variety of like anxieties. Um, that again dogs experience right? That nervousness again, whether it's separation.


Or like um noises right? fireworks thunderstorms that stuff. Um car ride anxiety. Um it helps with like that bit of nervousness or that overstimulation with like people right? I have some customers that will use it when they're having guests over and things like that.


That their dogs aren't people friendly, but their dogs might just feel a little overwhelmed having so many people in their space right? all at once. Ah.


Yeah, it's very common for them and um and and just going back to what you were saying about pain management. Um, it's I I read and you can I love for you to confirm this that it can not only with pain management. But. I've heard that there are some studies that show actual actually a reduction in tumor growth as well in dogs with suffering from some cancers. Did you do you know anything about that.


There have been some great um studies. Great studies and results with that as well or at least depending on certain types of cancers I'm slowing that process a hundred percent for sure. Yeah, so.


So you things and um, sorry sorry just good question. Um, just for for listeners. So you mentioned how the cannabis industry is legalized here and I just wanted before before we dive further into cbd.


You know I think that's um, a point of confusion for people as you know you hear about well is it Cannabis can it get my dogs high and I think I would love for you to kind of explain to our listeners. You know the difference between THC and CCBD and kind of how that varies. And how this is that a different while it's a part of the Cannabis plant. It's ah it's a different product than thc.


Absolutely yeah, yeah there I have this question often. Um, and so the cannabis plant itself actually has 4 different compounds that can be extracted from it. The two most common ones we hear about are CBD and THD um and so the thc compound is the one that is the psychoactive right? So that's the one that makes humans and dogs high stoned. Disoriented like that's that kind of component to it. Um, the CBD that's also extracted from the cannabis plant is this one  Basically it works with your body in a positive way. So it actually works with both humans and dogs central nervous system. And it helps to pass those messages through like neurotransmitters to your brain or like to your dog's brain to help with things like the pain management that anxiety and things like that and essentially what it is it relaxes you but it's not changing. What you're seeing thinking like it's not affecting your brain in any way shape or form um whereas the thc compound of it. That's what that's doing right? So I know you know lots of people, especially once Canada legalized cannabis. 


You know you're starting to see ah there were videos and things at least that I saw that were like you know oh my dog got into like whatever my whatever Marijuana product was just kind of hanging out right? Ah whatever the situation was um and you see the dogs and the dogs look like they're stoned or they're high and just uncomfortable and and just out of it and this does not do that. CBD still allows you to have a fully functioning dog and a dog that is coherent and knows absolutely everything.


That's going on and things like that. It's not altering what they're seeing or how they're behaving from the standpoint of being a regular dog.


Great. So The CBD is basically helping to calm them to treat symptoms of anxiety to um cause pain management in conditions like Arthritis Or. Um, or other diseases or illnesses and reduce the risk of growth and or reduce them signs of growth of certain cancers without um without the dog losing its personality or changing in any way is that correct.


That is correct and and 1 other um factor I'm not sure if I mentioned that there's been a lot of studies done with um dogs with seizures and cbd and using that both solely as their only kind of medication and or alongside.


Um, vet recommended medication to um, reduce the amount of ah seizures a dog has and or like ah eliminate them not eliminate. Whatever's causing the seizure like that that internal piece but at least limiting and eliminating them from you know dogs having seizure. Daily or several in a day to you know, maybe 1 once in a while type thing. Um that we absolutely and so there is ah like there's a lot of work and studies that can still be done with cbd um, at least from Canada's


Oh that's amazing.


Perspective inside of things but like I said studies from Cornell University the American Kennel Association um the national institute of health in um, the United States as well and then waltom pet care science in the united kingdom there like they've done extensive studies that show that the. The health implications for cbd with with pets um more so dogs but you know even with cats as well. Like there's huge huge huge benefits here um to it and so far like there's no negative like side effects or. Or kind of like long-term negative implications of using cbd um, with your Pat.


That's awesome and as you mentioned you know there's this very similar benefits to humans as well and I will um I'll get the links to those studies from you and I'll I'll um, link them in the bottom of the Podcast. So if anyone's interested in doing further reading they can do so. Um, that's so so so amazing and it just showsyou know the power of using natural remedies right? to treat these conditions as opposed to prescriptions that have other kind of negative negative effects. Um, and yeah, thank you for sharing that and so and another. Question I have for you. So I mean think about what you're doing and it's so you know similar to what we with us at Puppy Gang. You know this started from your company started from your love for your dogs and looking for a natural solution to treat their conditions and so. You know we have seen really amazing transformation with people switching to our meals and you know you must have seen similar transformations. Um your customers and and maybe your own dogs that would love to just hear some of your firsthand experiences you've seen of transformations of dogs from using your products.


Absolutely um and to be honest with you Marisa I I love chatting with my customers and things like this because I've got customers at various with dogs at various stages of their life right? so. You know, younger dogs still in that kind of puppy teenage year stage as well as customers with senior dogs. Um and a lot of the feedback and and and things that I get on our end. Um and information back to us. Um, just really boil down to the quality of life of the dog. Um, so for a lot of my senior customers. They're loving that they're seeing their senior dog somewhat act like a puppy again. Um or or dogs that um, their mobility. 1 of my customers in particular, she knew that her dog was at the end of life stage. And she was like I'm just trying to she goes make them comfortable and she was floored because using our product her dog who could barely get up and move just you know around the house was able to do a very slow paced walk and she was like you know to have those those.


Extra little moments of bonding um to be able to take her dog out back out on walks was was you know very meaningful for her from that standpoint and again she noticed a huge difference with this after using our product. 


I've got a lot of dogs that um customers and dogs are just happier and overall um, more relaxed which in turn made their owners a little bit more happier and and and relaxed knowing right? We we as dog lovers and dog owners. We don't want to see our dogs in distress. We don't want to see them anxious and uncomfortable.


Um, or anything of that sort right? So being able to see their dogs more relaxed during thunderstorms in particular or during um fireworks right? Especially this time of year where in Summer. Um I've got customers are like honestly we've got fireworks going off, you know, nightly just. Because we have neighbors that are purchasing them and setting them off and and again causing that sheer anxiety and that fear in in their dog right? So This is this allows that to be a nice natural smooth transition and process where their dog isn't always in that fight or flight type of um.


Um, mindset right from the inside out. Um I think the other piece too is just um, building like the feedback we've gotten is just building those connections or deeper connections between owners and their dogs because dogs. Ah ah, some of our customers I have um car anxiety just being able to.


Take them out on trips take them with them right on errands the cottage so on road trips right? things that maybe they want to do with their pets and they haven't been able to up until this point. So building those those bonds from that standpoint as well. 


And again our our goal is always that you know having a healthy happy pet um makes everyone a lot better and it builds those connections between the owner and their animal.


Absolutely And you know and to your point dogs are like our kids sometimes and you know it's you did The last thing you want is to see them in distress or in pain and you know that's really amazing. Um, and you know I Just love what you just said of you know. People being able to take their anxious dogs now on trips with them when they couldn't previously so they're able to spend that more of that precious time with their dogs and um on that I'm just another question I'm curious about so in your experience. Um, if. You know someone starts using Cbd with their dog. How long does it take for them to start seeing um the calming benefits or the pain management benefits and in your experience should. Cbd be given on an ongoing basis or on more of kind of a sporadic basis.


Um, so these are some awesome questions and we do get this often. Um, typically 45 to 60 minutes is the the kind of window for it to take effect and kick in and then from there. Depending it can go anywhere between 4 to 6 hours within the dog system. Um, those are like it's windows of time because different dogs will digest and and um process it differently just like with people. Um the other thing to make note of too is that. It's not always a one size fitsall. So there's um, studies out there that support this as well. There's suggested dosing guidelines and things of that nature. However, very similar to people um dogs tolerance windows for for cbd. Have ah a higher threshold and some have a lower threshold. So um, again I've got some customers with with smaller dogs that take higher doses because their dogs are just go go go very high strung and and again their nervous system and and everything that's going on inside of them. They need a little bit more.


To take that edge off and and bring them to that state of calm or zen and then I've I've got some customers that have like larger dogs that need um, less cbd because their dogs again the way that they tolerate it and process it less is more kind of thing. Um. The important piece to note is that if you're if anyone is using a pure. It's got be 100 % pure cbd for dogs. They can't overdose on it as long as there's no thc in there. 


Sometimes you might play around with the dosing to get your desired effects. Um and to get really what you want? um like what you're looking for with your with your dog. Um, with that being said, ongoing use for dogs is definitely recommended even in the studies that um.


That we've done on our end and like what we've read and and learned um it can be used sporadically as well. Um, this is where you kind of see where your dog is at so um I do have some customers that just use it right for fireworks or for thunderstorms or things like that. But they've had to learn what the dosing like what's a good dosing for their dog and again recommended dosing sometimes works sometimes if their dog's already in a heightened state. Um, they might have to use a little bit more or again use it for a few days to have it kind of. Flowing through your dog system so that when that firework day comes or again into to anticipated thunderstorms. It's there. The nice thing about cbd is that using it ongoing and and long term you're just providing your dog with a very relaxed um, calm state.


Consistently and again the health benefits to Cbd I mean if we draw connections to humans. You know we're just if we're always in an anxious and um I Guess Anxious State right? like are. Our central nervous system is always heightened. It's not good for our body. Overall right? and so same thing for dog we can give them cbd for those moments but generally speaking they might be in heightened states or ah, ah, a fight or flight stage more often than not.


And so that ongoing use would just help to keep them relaxed and in again in that calm state that would just overall improve their quality of life.


Okay, that's that's really good to know So The big thing I think from Takea away from what you're saying is for as as you know it's not a one size fitsall approach and dog owners don't need to be. Um, worried about overdosing. They can start with the recommended guidelines on the packaging but then be kind of monitoring their dog as their overtime as they're using the Cbd to see um how you know how the dog is taking to it. Do they need to give a little more a little less and can kind of vary it there based on their. Their dogs independent needs with whatever they're they're dealing with.


Yes, absolutely again cbd works I get a lot of feedback to um people that will come to to our if we're at ah, a show or or we're at like a vendor I guess vendor at an event. And they'll say okay well I've tried certain companies. We found. We didn't see anything or things like that and I highly recommend always doing your research on the quality of cbd that you're you're getting um, ensuring that it's pure um, dosing being aware of dosing because. Not only is there. There's the one dosing component which is per treat and then there's a strength as well. So someone like I I could offer you ah I don't know a four Milligram treat for example, but my.


Strength might be higher than a previous strength that you've used, but that's also four Milligrams so being aware and knowing those things absolutely um and again just again giving it the shot and and trying it out for sure because like I tell everyone.


Um, right? So that's to consider.


There's a dose for every dog every every human things like that. It's sometimes you just got to find out what that sweet spot is um, but there's there's definitely like it. It does have great benefits and and can work for for all dogs.


Awesome! Thank you Lis. So I think this has been really um, informative for our listeners and for those of you that don't know so you know we've um, ah puppy gang fresh foods has partnered with Lu Inie's and they are our supplier for our cbd treats on our website. Um, and we're. Chosen to work with them as um, Lisa's explained to you throughout this podcast as um, they use only highquality cbd oil. That's one hundred percent tbd with single ingredient treats and for anyone interested in trying out the treats. Um, you can use the code cbd 10 for 10% off your first order on our website. Um, well thank you Lisa really appreciate all the valuable insights and information you provided today. Is there anything else, you'd like to share ah before we go.


Um, no honestly I really appreciate the opportunity to chat with you Marissa and and again honestly just put more education information out there with regards to to cbds and. And the positive implications. It can have with our with our dogs and and with animals in general. Um, like I said I'm always happy to answer questions if if anyone listening has questions and wants to reach out or or things of that sort. But you know. Education is key and again and building that that knowledge on on cbd um, and and helping our pets further so I greatly appreciate the opportunity and and thank you to everyone listening.


Thank you and thank you for joining our show. Hope you have a great day.



Thank you you as well.


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